Thursday, August 28, 2008

Not Dead!

OK people I need to clarify somethings: I am NOT Dead! I was gone for a week and then I was on a writing crunch for the last three. I think everyone who reads this will be happy to know that I am now getting very close to being finished with Forced War.

But another thing that I was working on was a story for the IHDA that I mentioned in the last interview with Unexpected Ramifications. Because I know that just reading out facts of Imperial History would bore the heck out of me, so I assume it would bore the heck out of all of you too. So I have written a short story to go along with it and the first will be coming out soon.

So I've been writing a lot. Chapter 14 and the Epilogue of Lost Falchion have already been put out and you will be looking for that Novella on Podiobooks soon.

Write now I'm working on Forced War so you will all enjoy that when it comes out.


Friday, August 1, 2008

Universe Ownership and other stuff

Well I was just alerted to an awesome site by J.C. Hutchins' MINE the site is The Authority for Universe Ownership. It is a hilarious website that is completely worth a visit. You can get a free deed to a universe.

Poke around the site more than just getting that and see the $10,000 "low cost" Membership fee and the science behind the whole site. It is really great.

Forced War is getting close to being finished then I will start recording that so it is all ready to go! It is really nice to have things going so well.

So go check out that site and J.C. Hutchins' MINE.
